Contact ProLine Radiant, or call us today, at 866-676-9276.
Contact ProLine Radiant, or call us today, at 866-676-9276.
Contact ProLine Radiant, or call us today, at 866-676-9276.
Ah February, the month for lovers. A month fraught with cold weather, but also a month with a special day (Valentine’s Day) set aside for us to bask in the warmth of a loving relationship. It’s a day for us to recognize and express appreciation for our special companion.
It’s also a day that we don’t want to forget. Trust me on this. It’s very important to remember our “significant other” on Valentine’s Day. It just so happens that I know from experience, if we forget to do something special on that day, we’ll likely be reminded of our memory lapse for the next 364 days. So, I suggest that you step up and mark your calendars today! In addition to the normal daily gestures of love and appreciation, make sure you do something especially grand on that day.
As for my Valentine, I must confess: I have more than one love in my life. Now before you pass judgement, let me explain. Every year on Valentine’s Day, I make sure to express my love and gratefulness for my sweet wife. I always write a little letter and put it in a Valentine’s card along with some kind of gift (usually chocolate or jewelry). But I’m also grateful to my contractor for introducing me to my other “love”. My radiant heated driveway.
You see, I have a great deal of gratitude in my heart for that beautiful snow melting system. I don’t give my driveway heating system chocolate or diamonds, but I do appreciate it for making my life a little better. If I wrote a “thank you” note to my driveway, it would go something like this:
My dear radiant heat system, how can I express to you my appreciation for the warmth and comfort that you bring into my life? Don’t think I don’t know or recognize how hard you are working on those stormy nights while I sleep peacefully in my warm bed.
I know that I sleep in a lot nowadays, but before you arrived, I had to set my alarm much earlier on those snowy mornings so I could have time to shovel and salt the driveways and walks. But now, when the snow is falling at night, I sleep better, knowing that I don’t have to wake up extra early in the morning to clear my driveway. How can I thank you for that?
I am also grateful for all the pain you save me from having to experience. You know how my back is, and I’m not getting any younger. Because of you, I can walk a little more upright, and skip the heavy doses of Advil and Tylenol. I also appreciate not having to buy bags of salt, or invest in other snow removal equipment.
I want you to know that my wife loves you too. She and I both love the fact that you are maintenance free. We don’t have to worry about a thing. Since you’ve come into our lives, winters have been easier.
I am also grateful that you are fully automated. I don’t have to worry about incoming storms because I know that you’ll take care of everything if a snowstorm arrives. If there’s no storm, I know that you are sitting there, silently, waiting to pounce when the first snow flake dares to fall. Heck, even when the snow starts falling, you still operate silently. You have the driveway all warmed up so that when the storm arrives, none of the snow sticks to the surface. The whole neighborhood can be covered in white, but my driveway remains completely clear. Thank you for that. You are my trophy driveway.
I am also grateful that you make a special effort to keep the driveway clear of dangerous “black ice”. I know that even after the storm abates, you operate for a short time so that all the melted snow evaporates, leaving the driveway dry. None of the melted snow remains, which makes the driveway so much safer after a storm.
So don’t ever think that I take you for granted, or don’t notice all that you do. You may be out of sight, and you never make a sound, but we know you’re there, and that gives us peace of mind. I thank you for that.
I’m grateful to my contractor for introducing me to you. I suppose he could have brushed me off and told me to look elsewhere, but instead, he played “matchmaker” and hooked us up. And it’s been a perfect match!
I’m also grateful to ProLine for providing outstanding products at wholesale prices. Because of this, my contractor was able to set me up with a heated driveway that I could afford. ProLine also provided all the support and training for the installers. It seems that this was a team effort, and I was the one who benefitted the most. Thank you, ProLine. Well, I don’t want to make my wife jealous, so I better sign off now. But on this Valentine’s Day, I will not only be thankful for my wife, but also for my new heated driveway. Life is good.
For more information about radiant snow melting systems, roof de-icing, floor heating, pipe trace, or radiant heat support services, contact a friendly ProLine representative today, at 866-676-9276. Get matched up with your radiant heat system today!