ProLine Pipe Trace Solutions

Industry Leading Pipe Trace Cable and System Design

ProLine Radiant is a trusted, leading provider of pipe trace solutions. Having designed systems that have been installed in large refineries and commercial facilities, as well as custom residential applications, ProLine’s expertise is a valuable asset to professional builders seeking to provide reliable pipe trace solutions.

ProLine heat trace cable is designed for pipe freeze prevention as well as process temperature maintenance installations on either plastic or metal pipes, valves and tanks. The self-regulating heat cable is approved for hazardous and non-hazardous applications. The ease of installation and reliable performance have made ProLine pipe trace systems a popular choice for industrial and commercial applications.

The self-regulating characteristics of the heat cable means that it automatically varies its power output in response to pipe temperature changes. When the ambient temperature rises, the electrical resistance increases and the consumption of electricity decreases. This ensures energy-efficient operation. The cable will also not overheat or burnout – even when touching or overlapping.

Pipe tracing heat cable
Illustration and photo of self-regulating heat cable for pipe trace applications.

Because of the cable’s self-regulating properties, a thermostat may not be necessary in some applications. With the optional outer jacket, the heating cable is resistant to watery and inorganic chemicals and protected against abrasion and impact damage. The versatile pipe trace cable is suitable for use in explosion-hazardous areas up to a maximally admissible work-place temperature of +149°F (65°C).

Heat Cable Features Include:

Energy Efficient Operation (Self-regulating Cable) – The self-regulating cable automatically varies its power output in response to the pipe temperature changes, resulting in energy efficient operation. When the ambient temperature rises, the electrical resistance of the cable increases, resulting in a decrease of electricity consumption.

Maintenance Free – ProLine pipe trace systems are virtually maintenance free.

Low Cost – Electric pipe tracing systems are more reliable and less costly to install and maintain than steam tracing systems.

Safe / Durable – The cable will not overheat or burn out, even if/when it is touching or overlapping.

Versatile – The cable is approved for use in non-hazardous, hazardous and corrosive environments. The design of the cable allows it to be used for plastic or metal pipe freeze protection as well as flow maintenance of pipes, tanks, and valves.

Easy Installation – The cable can be cut to any length required on site (up to maximum circuit length) so there’s no wasted cable. And the termination, power connection, splice, tee, and end seal kit reduces installation time and requires no special skills or tools.

ProLine Heat Cable Options Include:

Tinned Copper Braid – Provides additional mechanical protection and a positive ground path.

Flame Retardant Outer Jacket – Protects against certain inorganic chemical solutions, abrasion and impact damage.

High Temperature Fluoropolymer Outer Jacket – Used in applications where there may be exposure to organic or corrosive solutions, or vapors may be present.

Industry Leading Roof Deicing Systems

ProLine is a Trusted Provider of Roof Deicing and Gutter Trace Solutions

ProLine offers roof deicing systems and heat cable for all types of roof heating and gutter trace applications, including new construction, remodeling and existing roofs. ProLine radiant heat experts can design a roof heating system for virtually any type of roof.

ProLine Radiant’s low-voltage roof heating system has become the preferred solution for many professional roofers. These proven electric deicing systems can be discreetly installed under shingles as well as metal roofs to provide energy-efficient, maintenance-free roof heating.

Commercial gutter trace system installed.
Heat trace cable installed in gutter for large commercial roof heating application.

One of the most popular and affordable ways to protect roof edges and gutters is by installing ProLine self-regulating heat cable. This premier heat cable is installed to keep gutters and downspouts free of ice and facilitate runoff, helping to prevent any potential problems from heavy snow and ice buildup. Roof gutter trace systems are professionally designed by the experts at ProLine Radiant. ProLine also includes installation support for installers. So if your installer has any questions during the installation process, a radiant heat expert from ProLine will be on hand to assist with any issues. This helps to ensure that the system is installed correctly and that the customer is happy.

ProLine prides itself on not only offering superior products, but by offering unparalleled customer services, which include system design and technical support. ProLine also offers free installation training services as well, awarding installers with a certificate upon successfully completing the course. Installers who have completed the installation course(s) can then be referred by ProLine if a customer in their area is in need of a radiant heat installation.

ProLine gutter melt and roof heating systems are fully automated, but “plug-and-play” manually operated gutter melt systems are also available. However, it is highly recommended to utilize the automatic sensor and controller for a roof deicing system. These fully automated systems are much more efficient and operate only when needed. The snow sensor activates the system only when it detects precipitation and the temperature is below a set point (usually 39°F).

ProLine roof heating systems have been installed in cold regions throughout the country and are still the most effective and discreet solution for roof deicing and gutter melt. Contact ProLine today to learn more about your roof heating and gutter trace options at 866.676.9276.

ProLine Radiant’s Trusted Snow Melting Mats

Snow Melting Mats Designed to Accommodate Concrete Pours

The best snow melting systems not only consist of the best components, but also include the best design/layout and installation. Because of its wide selection of affordable, industry leading products and unmatched services, ProLine has scored high marks with professional installers. Its reputation as a trusted leader in radiant heat comes not just from its quality products, but also from its unparalleled customer services.

Radiant heated driveways offer many benefits; however, each snow melting system is different, and must be designed and installed correctly to meet the specific needs of each customer. The experts at ProLine understand that a radiant heating system is only as good as its installation. That’s why ProLine commits so much of its expertise to professional system design, installation support, and free installation training. When it comes to complete service – and a company that “walks the walk”, you won’t find a more reliable provider than ProLine Radiant.

Heated paver sidewalk
A radiant heat snow melting system in operation under a stone paver sidewalk.

ProLine products are designed with the installer in mind. This is especially evident with ProLine Radiant’s snow melting mats – which feature tape backing rather than mesh backing, utilized by ProLine competitors.

Some concrete installation professionals have expressed reservations about using radiant heating mats in concrete pours. When non-ProLine snow melting mats are installed, the mesh backing tends to impede the flow of the concrete pour. Small pockets of air can form, which can ultimately spell doom for the concrete as well as the heating cable.

However, ProLine snow melting mats are designed for concrete pours. The versatile heating cable is spaced in mats using durable tape strips that allow concrete to flow freely and fill all the space around the heat cable. This ensures the proper lifespan of the concrete as well as peak performance of the snow melting system.

ProLine is a favorite among construction professionals because of the responsiveness and “installation friendly” systems offered. In addition to providing the industry’s premier snow melting, roof deicing, floor heating, and pipe trace systems, ProLine includes unbeatable customer support services.

Snow melting heat cable in mat.
Snow melting heat cable pre-spaced in a mat for easy “roll-out” installation.

ProLine’s radiant design team provides AutoCAD drawings of each system that includes all the power requirements and technical specs. Customers will know all the information you need prior to any installation taking place, including load calculations, number of breakers, breaker sizes, and so on. ProLine is committed to your success.

Installers are also taking advantage of ProLine’s free installation training services. Installers can complete installation courses in roof deicing, snow melting and floor heating. A certificate is awarded upon completion and ProLine can then refer the installers to customers in their area. Needless to say, this is smart business for installers throughout the country.

Contact a ProLine representative today to learn more about your radiant heating options (866.676.9276).

Extreme Winter Weather Predicted

The Winter of 2014-15 was Just the Beginning – Brace for Colder Temperatures and Record Snowfalls

According to weather experts, we’re in for a long string of extreme winters. As residents in the Northeastern U.S. can attest, the past couple of years have seen a dramatic increase in snowfall and unusually cold temperatures, but according to scientists, that’s just the beginning.

Climatologist John Casey, a NASA consultant and former space shuttle engineer, stated that we can expect unusually harsh winters for the next 30 years. Noted Russian astrophysicist Habibullo I. Abdussamatov not only agrees with Casey, but makes an even bolder claim. “We’re at the dawn of a mini-ice age,” Abdussamatov stated.

Parked cars in Boston covered with snow after heavy snow storm.
A Boston city street after a major snowfall.

While Casey may be more conservative in his weather prognosis, he said these striking claims are based on facts. Weather experts are stating that a decline in solar activity has kick-started a significant change in the global climate, which is projected to last at least 30 years. In a recent interview with Newsmax, Casey stated, “All you have to do is trust natural cycles and follow the facts, and that leads you to the inevitable conclusion that the sun controls the climate, and that a new cold era has begun.”

While we’re enjoying spring, it’s not pleasant to imagine digging out from another winter with record snowfall; but there are some things we can do now to prepare for the winters ahead. Installing a ProLine automated snow melting system can help homeowners and businesses avoid losing time and money by being snowed in during the heaviest snow days. The systems ease the physical burdens considerably, and can even save money in the long run.

Needless to say, the benefits of a heated driveway are many, including increased safety and fully automated snow removal. Snow melting systems can reduce lost time and business because of heavy snow accumulation. And waking up to a clear driveway after receiving nearly a foot or so of snow can be a wonderful feeling. It’s a great way to give your back a rest while you enjoy your morning coffee.

And with so many roofs suffering damage from the record snow storms last year, roof deicing systems are spiking in popularity as businesses and homeowners repair their roofs. ProLine roof deicing systems can play a vital role in protecting roofs and reducing the chances of water damage by eliminating ice dams from forming at roof edges.

ProLine snow melting systems are easy to customize, so whether you have customers who are interested in heating an entire commercial parking area or ramp, or a homeowner looking to heat a driveway, ProLine experts can design the ideal system to meet your specific needs. Each system includes an AutoCAD layout, complete with all the technical specs, so installers know everything they need to know prior to any installation taking place.

In addition to designing radiant heat systems, ProLine also provides installation support and free installation training. Contact a ProLine representative today to learn more, at 866.676.9276.

ProLine’s Advanced Roof Deicing Solution

Low-Voltage, Self-Regulating Roof Heating Systems

As we emerge from another brutal winter, we see a wake of water damaged structures and compromised roofs. Heavy snowfall in the Northeastern United States was responsible for countless numbers of damaged roofs as well as personal injuries. With future winters predicted to continue to produce extreme snowfall, many of those who are repairing their roofs now are looking to install a roof deicing system. Even those who escaped this winter unscathed are exploring their roof heating options in an attempt to protect their roofs from future storms.

ProLine Radiant offers one of the most advanced roof heating solutions that has quickly become a favorite among professional roofers. ProLine’s low-voltage roof heating system has proven to be an ideal solution for keeping roof valleys and edges clear of ice and snow, preventing costly ice dams from forming.

Low-voltage roof deicing system being installed

Roof edges and eaves do not have any heat warming the roof from below, so they’re much colder and prone to ice buildup from snow melting higher on the roof. As heat escapes from the attic and melts snow high on the roof, the water runs down and refreezes when it reaches the colder eaves, creating an ice dam that forces more water to pool up behind it. With nowhere to go, the water eventually seeps through the decking during the day and refreezes again at night, expanding small cracks. The water gradually works its way down onto ceilings and walls, resulting in costly water damage and mold.

Unlike other radiant heating options, the heating element for ProLine’s low-voltage system features a thin self-regulating, semi-conductive polymer heating element. This flexible heating element is polypropylene fused during fabrication to achieve water proofing and protection from alkaline or salt damage, and can be mounted discreetly under the shingles to provide roof heating to roof valleys, edges and trouble spots.

Because the polymer heating element can be nailed/stapled and cut on site, it’s easy to work with and install. This speeds up the installation time and reduces costs.

Low-voltage heating element
Low-voltage polymer roof heating element.

These fully automated roof heating systems feature an activation device/snow sensor that detects precipitation and temperature. When conditions warrant, the sensor signals the controller when then sends power to the heating element to heat your roof.

Installing a ProLine roof deicing system can preserve and protect a new roof installation from snow and ice buildup for years to come. Besides saving consumers money, ProLine’s self-regulating, low-voltage roof deicing systems can save homeowners the time and effort of having to manually remove snow and ice.

ProLine Radiant also includes professional design/layout services and installation support with each roof heating system. Installers can also take advantage of ProLine’s free installation training. Contact a ProLine representative today to learn more about your radiant heating options (866.676.9276).

Self-Regulating Heat Cable – A Proven Winner

Industry Leading Gutter Melt Systems Feature ProLine’s Self-Regulating Heat Cable

Heavy snow and ice results in costly roof and gutter damage every year. Keeping gutters and downspouts clear of ice helps to facilitate runoff and protect roofs, which dramatically reduces the chance of water damage to homes and businesses.

Ice dams are the most costly and common problems associated with roof and water damage. Heat rises from the house and into the attic, warming the roof. This causes the bottom layer of snow to melt and trickle down towards the roof’s edge. Because the eaves hang over the house, there is no warmth, causing the water to refreeze and form an ice dam near the roof’s edge. When additional snow up higher on the roof melts, the water trickles down and begins to pool up behind the newly formed ice. Soon, a considerable pool of water has formed.

Self-regulating heat cable
Self-regulating gutter trace and roof heat cable.

This water repeats the freezing and thawing process, which can ultimately damage the roof. Water seeps into small cracks and then expands when it refreezes at night. Eventually the integrity of the roof is compromised and water can find its way into the house. This ultimately can lead to costly water damage and even mold and mildew growth.

Placing self-regulating heat cable along the roof’s edge and in trouble spots can eliminate this problem. ProLine heat cable is also the ideal solution for keeping gutters and downspouts free of snow and ice, facilitating runoff.

ProLine’s self-regulating heat cable is among the best in its class. When compared to other leading brands, ProLine cable is more flexible and can be installed in lower temperatures. When other heat cable is bent at a radius of 2 inches, the outer jacket tends to pucker and pull away from the cable core. This can lead to cable failure. ProLine’s outer jacket is more flexible and does not pull away from the core, even at a tighter bend radius of 1½ inches.

For quality roof gutter melt solutions, deal with the experts at ProLine. In addition to providing superior products, ProLine also includes installation support and professional design and layout services with each system.

ProLine also offers free installation training courses. Contact ProLine today to learn more about our products or free training (866.676.9276).

Comparing Radiant Heat Technologies

Hydronic and Electric Radiant Heat

There are two general radiant heat technologies: electric and hydronic. Both hydronic and electric snowmelt systems are effective and highly efficient radiant heat solutions that can be used for indoor and outdoor applications. ProLine offers both types of radiant heat technologies.

Hydronic systems work by using a water heater (boiler) to heat a mixture of water and propylene glycol (anti-freeze) which is then circulated through a network of polymer pex tubing by a series of pumps. (Hydronic radiant heat systems require a “mechanical room” to house the water heater (boiler) as well as a series of pumps and valves.) The closed loop of flexible PEX tubing can be embedded in most mediums, including concrete, asphalt, and brick pavers, etc.

Heated driveway

ProLine Radiant’s hydronic systems feature efficient condensing boilers with an Energy Star Rating as well as industry leading pumps, valves and tubing. Because the condensing boiler (water heater) can be powered by any energy source, including natural gas, electricity, oil, wood, or even solar collectors, the operating costs of a large hydronic system can be lower than its electric counterpart.

However, the installation costs of an electric radiant heat system are considerably lower because the process is much less complicated – and there is no need for a dedicated “mechanical room”. ProLine electric snowmelt systems can also be installed in hot asphalt, as well as in concrete, mortar beds, and paver applications.

Electric radiant snow melting systems feature rapid response times and are extremely efficient. Another advantage of electric systems is that they have no moving parts and are maintenance free. The only evidence of having an electric snowmelt system installed is the snow sensor, marker plate, and a small control unit, which is usually installed on a wall in the garage.

In addition to easier, more affordable installations, ProLine electric snow melting systems are also very easy to customize. These systems can easily be configured to meet the budget and snowmelt needs of a business or homeowner. Entire areas can be heated as well as narrow strips or tire tracks. ProLine’s experienced designers can design a radiant heat system to meet your specific needs.

Both systems are fully automated and use an activation device (in-pavement or aerial-mount snow sensor) to activate the system when needed. When temperatures dip below a set point (usually 39°F) and precipitation is detected, the sensor signals the master control unit. The controller then sends power to the embedded heating element to warm the area.

ProLine Radiant also includes professional design/layout services and installation support with each system. And installers can also take advantage of ProLine’s free installation training. Contact a ProLine representative today to learn more about your radiant heating options.

FoilHeat Floor Heating Systems

Heating Carpet and Other Flooring

ProLine’s FoilHeat floor heating systems have proven to be an ideal solution for heating carpeted and laminate flooring. Featuring a durable heat-conducting aluminum material construction, FoilHeat radiant heating mats distribute heat quickly and evenly. Virtually no energy is wasted, making FoilHeat a great alternative to baseboard and forced air, or other conventional heating systems

Featuring a durable heat-conducting aluminum material construction, FoilHeat radiant heating mats distribute heat quickly and evenly. Virtually no energy is wasted, making FoilHeat a great alternative to baseboard and forced air, or other conventional heating systems.

FoilHeat radiant floor heating system
FoilHeat heating element installed under basement floor.

Floors that rest on concrete slabs can be especially cold during the winter months. And regardless of much you turn up the thermostat, it seems that little can be done to remedy the condition of cold floors and feet. Warm air being blown through vents quickly rises to the ceiling, and is not an efficient heating method. Unlike forced air systems, radiant floor heating is an extremely efficient means of warming homes and offices.

One of the most efficient radiant heating systems is the ProLine FoilHeat radiant floor heating mat. The FoilHeat cut-and-turn floor heating mat is a unique electric radiant floor heating system that is designed for use under carpet, laminate, engineered wood and other floating floors. The thin floor heating mats can be cut and shaped on site to meet the specific requirements of the project. The efficient floor heating system is ideal for heating any size or shape room, from basements to bedrooms, offices, etc.

The efficient FoilHeat system is made with fluoropolymer insulated heating cables that are sandwiched between two layers of specially reinforced aluminum foil. The uniform spacing of the heating elements, further backed by the aluminum foil, ensures even heat distribution. The heating element is connected to a power-supply cable, which exits the laminate mat from one corner. The power lead is a flat thin two core flexible cord, consisting of two insulated conductors with a metal sheath and an outer sheath. Depending on your heating requirement, FoilHeat is available in nominal heat outputs of 80 W/m² and 140 W/m² at 230 V. It is available in predetermined lengths with cold tail – prefabricated and tested in a carefully controlled factory environment.

Features and Benefits

  • Easy “roll out” installation
  • Installs between the insulation pad and the floor
  • Virtually no floor buildup with grounded flat aluminum. No thin-set is required.
  • Completely grounded and safe.
  • Aluminum construction distributes heat quickly and evenly.
  • Watertight, even to steam-clean carpets.
  • 12W/sq. ft. or 41 BTUs/sq. ft.
  • UL-approved
  • 5-year manufacturer warranty

For more information about ProLine Radiant and its products and services, call 866.676.9276 today.

Setting the New Gold Standard

ProLine Radiant Offers Professional Builders Industry Leading Services

What does it take to become a trusted radiant heat solutions provider for construction professionals? ProLine has become a favorite among builders not only because of the vast selection of top quality products, but because of superior customer services and top manufacturer warranties. Construction professionals have come to know that ProLine is a trusted partner that provides expert installation support well after the purchase.

As the wholesale radiant heat frontrunner, ProLine offers the latest most proven and advanced radiant snow melting solutions, at truly competitive prices. In fact, ProLine is setting the new gold standard when it comes to both top products and unmatched customer services. With a dedicated in-house staff of radiant heat experts on hand to design your custom system and provide personal installation support, ProLine makes the process of purchasing and installing a radiant heat system as seamless as possible.

Heated tire tracks in driveway

ProLine design experts carefully evaluate each project and then provide recommendations and options. In addition to your snowmelt needs, ProLine also designs systems around specific budgets.

ProLine Radiant also holds its products to ASHREA industry standards, creating a solid foundation for great radiant heat solutions. Adhering to these standards is all about designing a system that is tailored to the specific conditions of the region. This means designing the system and using the ideal components in relation to the regional climate, average snowfall, temperatures, and other factors. ProLine Radiant designs custom systems in accordance with these standards for businesses and homeowners throughout Northern America.

ProLine further differentiates itself with its dynamic product offering, outstanding pricing, and additional customer services. From free training to personal, expert installation support, ProLine radiant heat experts are available every step of the way to assist customers through the installation process. And ProLine snow melting systems are easy to customize, and a wide range of options are available to meet performance and budget needs. Some of the most common snow melting system layouts include:

  • Heat two 24-inch wide tire tracks
  • Heat the most trafficked area (i.e., a strip down the middle of the driveway)
  • Heat the entire driveway or walkways

Regardless of your snow melting needs, you’ll find that ProLine is easy to work with and will find the best solution for your specific project. ProLine’s rapid growth is no doubt due to its commitment to provide the best prices and service in the industry. Professional builders are bound to find ProLine Radiant to be a breath of fresh air when it comes to purchasing, designing and installing proven, industry leading radiant heat solutions.

For more information, contact ProLine Radiant today at 866.676.9276.

Installing Electric Radiant Snowmelt Systems

Proper Installation is Essential for Top Performance

With the winter of 2014-15 projected to bring record snowfall to most of the country, it’s no surprise that businesses and homeowners throughout Northern America are searching for long term snow melting solutions. Consequently, professional builders are finding ProLine Radiant to be the ideal provider for complete radiant heat solutions, ranging from heated driveways and roof deicing systems to a wide variety of floor heating systems.

Although ProLine offers the industry’s most trusted and proven products, ProLine Radiant’s National Sales Manager, Larry Steveson, cautions that installing industry leading products is not enough to ensure optimum results.

“We take pride in offering the industry’s latest and most proven products,” Steveson said, “but the success of any radiant heat system is dependent on having it designed and installed properly.” With this in mind, ProLine Radiant emphasizes its free installation training courses and dedicated staff of radiant heat experts who are on hand to provide personal installation support.

Installing snow melting mats

“We don’t just provide the materials,” Steveson continued, “we partner with our customers to give them the support needed to ensure proper installation and that their customers are happy.” Services like these are what distinguishes ProLine from other wholesale providers.

Basic Installation Tips

Check Supply Voltage – Upon receipt of your materials, check that the supply voltage matches the voltage required for your specific snowmelt product.

Cable Care – Always take care after laying out the heat cable that the heating elements are not damaged by using sharp tools, wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes or heavy machinery.

Measure Cable Resistance – Measure, verify and record the resistance of the heating element during the installation process. Check the cable:

  1.  Out of the box.
  2.  After laying it out.
  3.  After the surface material has been applied.

Never cut the Heat Cable – Do not cut or damage the heating element. Heat cable is resistance cable, so when it is shortened it increases the wattage per foot of the cable. Altering the cable in any way not only can cause the heat cable to fail due to over-heating, but void the warranty.

Laying out and Securing the Heating Mats – Unroll the heating mat over the area you want to heat. Fasten the heating mat to the mesh reinforcement using tie-wraps, zip ties or cable strapping. Do not cause the heating cable of the mat to be compressed or strained.

Maintain Cable Spacing – Never allow the heating elements to be less than 2 inches apart. They should never cross, overlap or touch each other.

Embed the Cable – Whether you’re installing in concrete, asphalt or pavers, embed the cable completely under the surface. If it is too close to the surface or uncovered, it can malfunction.

Embed the Power Lead – The power lead/heating cable splice and at least 6 inches of the power lead must also be embedded in the paved surface. Run the remaining power lead through a conduit.

Making Turns with Mats – Heating mats can be altered to accommodate drains, obstructions or bends in the layout. Cut the tape backing to make turns or alter the spacing of the heating cables in mats. NEVER cut the heating cable.

Ground Sensor Placement – The sensor must be placed between the heating cables within the heated area at least 3.3 feet (1 m) from the edge of the area. A minimum distance of 0.41 inches (1 cm) should be maintained between the sensor tube and the heating cable.

Aerial Snow Sensor Placement – Aerial sensors should not be placed under eaves but where there is direct exposure to the open sky.  Avoid areas that will have delayed or false readings.

ProLine Radiant works tirelessly to research, test and develop the absolute best products possible to ensure that your business succeeds. Call today at 866.676.9276 to learn more about our products and services, or email us to receive a free quote.

ProLine Offers GFEP Breaker Panels

ProLine GFEP Panels Simplify the Purchase and Installation Process

If you’ve been installing radiant heated driveways, roofs and gutter melting solutions for any length of time, you’ve most likely had to seek out ground fault equipment protectors (GFEP units) with breakers to properly install these systems. Traditionally many companies sell complete heated driveway systems to qualified, licensed electricians and installers; however, these customers are still instructed that they must find GFEP units with breakers to properly install their system. ProLine Radiant has always emphasized this need, but now, things are changing.

In keeping with its commitment to provide professional builders with the best products, service and convenience, ProLine Radiant heated driveway systems now include GFEP (ground fault equipment protection) breakers with its panels, saving you time and money. If you’re an electrician or an installer, shopping ProLine means you don’t have to scramble to track down these breakers for an installation. You’ll get just the right GFEP and breaker for the job.

Contactor panel and box
A contactor panel with GFEP and box for an automated snow melting system.

What is a ground fault protector, and why is it so important to a heated snow melting system? Basically, a ground fault is an electrical event caused by an insulation loss between a live conductor and an exposed conductive part that causes flow of current to the ground. (In the case of a heated driveway, the conductive part of a heated driveway is the heat cable.) This electrical event may cause serious problems to radiant heated driveway electrical systems and equipment, as most short circuits can start as undetected ground faults.

A ground fault equipment protection or GFEP is a device that is intended to protect heated driveway equipment against damaging line-to-ground currents, as are those emitted by electric radiant heat cable, by disconnecting all ungrounded conductors of the faulted circuit. By adding a ground fault equipment protection to a snow melting system, ground faults are detected immediately, preventing serious damage to heated driveway system components.

Rated for outdoor usage, the NEMA 4 wall-mounted control panels and UL and CUL listed controller have proven to be trusted industry leaders. ProLine snow melting and roof deicing systems are fully automated, and now include GFEP, which is required by the NEC. The snowmelt system controller can also be controlled remotely (day/week timer, GSM-module or other signal source). ProLine Radiant products and services result in the best possible heated driveways, roof deicing, and gutter and downspout heating.

Contractors are hailing this advance offered by ProLine Radiant. Ground fault equipment protection included in the Warmzone panels ensures cost savings, convenience, and increased reliability and safety in all your heated driveway installations. To find out more about ProLine snow melting systems, call 866.676.9276 today.

ProLine Radiant Roof Heating Systems

ProLine Offers Complete Roof Deicing Solutions 

Did you know that ProLine Radiant offers industry leading roof deicing and gutter melt systems? These systems include STEP RoofHeat low-voltage roof heating systems as well as self-regulating heat cable. Both systems are at the top of their class, providing energy-efficient and highly effective roof heating solutions for both residential and business properties.

Ice dams are the most frequent cause of expensive roof and water damage. Warm air rises up through the attic to warm the roof, causing snow to melt and trickle down towards the roof’s edge. But when the runoff reaches the cold eaves, it refreezes and forms the beginnings of an ice dam. This process repeats until there is significant build up of ice. Water then pools behind the ice dam, which can seep into cracks and damage the roof as it repeatedly expands from freezing. Eventually, the water can seep into your home, resulting in water damage as well as mold and mildew growth.

Heated roof valley and edge.

ProLine Radiant provides industry leading solutions to address costly roof damage. Both the STEP RoofHeat system and the self-regulating RoofHeat cable can prevent ice dams from forming.

STEP RoofHeat systems consist of a thin, semi-conductive polymer heating element that can be discreetly secured under the shingles or roofing surface. The flexible self-regulating heating element can be nailed or stapled through, facilitating the installation process, and is Mylar coated for added protection from alkaline or salt damage.

The low-voltage system utilizes a transformer to “step down” high voltage to low voltage (60 V or less) while controlling a specific section of the roof deicing system. The individual control boxes are the source for monitoring the power and output to the heating element to ensure safe, accurate, and efficient performance.

Self-regulating heat cable is also a common roof deicing solution. The cable can be installed to heat roof edges as well as in gutters and downspouts.

All ProLine Radiant roof heating systems are fully automated. An activation device/snow sensor detects precipitation and temperature and signals the controller when conditions warrant. After receiving the signal, the controller then sends power to the heating element, activating the radiant snowmelt system to heat the roof. ProLine’s top products combined with unprecedented customer service make smart business sense. For more information about ProLine Radiant and its products and services, call 866.676.9276 today.

Operating a Large Snowmelt System with Limited Power

Zoning Allows you to Enjoy the Benefits of Radiant Heat Using Minimal Power

Many homeowners are discouraged upon initially learning how much power it will take to operate the snow melting system of their dreams. But ProLine Radiant offers an effective solution that allows homeowners and businesses to install and operate a radiant heat system with limited amperage. Some hesitate to install a heated driveway system because they aren’t sure if they have enough amperage to power the system.

The performance and reliability of electric snowmelt systems can’t be beat, which is why they are the system of choice for so many homeowners. But after the initial assessment of their project by some radiant heat providers, some homeowners are discouraged to find that they lack the power to run a large snow melting system. But ProLine Radiant offers an innovative way to overcome the “lack of amperage” problem. By using a technique known as “zoning” (or staging), ProLine makes it possible to install and operate a large heated driveway system using minimal power (amps). This industry leading solution to power constraints is both effective and highly efficient.

How Zoning Works

For example, a heated driveway is being installed, but only two 30-amp breakers are available to power the system. To overcome the hurdle of limited power, the area to be heated is divided into zones. (See the corresponding illustration below, which shows the system divided into zones 1-4.) A snow sensor is installed in every zone, and the same power source (breakers) is supplied to each zone.

A snowmelt system with zoning.
Zoning allows you to operate a large snow melting system with limited power.

The zones are then prioritized. Zone 1 is designated as the most important area which needs to be cleared first. Upon detecting snow, the sensor in Zone 1 signals the controller, activating the system and clearing the area of snow.

After Zone 1 has been cleared of snow the breakers then shift power to Zone 2. Zone 2 is then heated and subsequently cleared. With Zones 1 and 2 now clear of snow, the breakers shift power to Zone 3. After Zone 3 is cleared, Zone 4 is then powered.


To recap, the Zone prioritized as the most important is cleared first, using power from the two 30-amp breakers. After Zone 1 has been cleared, the power is then switched to the next zone. When the second zone has been cleared, the breakers send power to Zone 3, followed by Zone 4 and so on. By using ProLine Radiant’s innovative cycling system, an entire area to be heated can be powered by just two 30-amp breakers.

ProLine Radiant’s industry leading cycling system is extremely efficient because it utilizes a “smart” feature. For example, if the snow in Zone 3 happens to melt before the zone is activated, then there would be no need for that zone to energize. Using ProLine Radiant’s method, the sensor in Zone 3 would detect that there is no snow to melt, and therefore no power would be sent to the zone. This smart feature saves money by ensuring that the system operates only when needed.

Many other zoning systems on the market use timers to activate the zones. These systems cycle between zones according to set times, regardless whether a zone is clear of snow or not. Furthermore, in some cases the snow in Zone 1 may be partially melted, yet the timer dictates that power is to be switched to Zone 2, resulting in neither area being fully cleared. This scenario (using set times) can create much longer melt times and be very inefficient in terms of power usage. By using ProLine Radiant’s cycling system; you are assured of energy efficiency, and the priority area will always be melted.

You can always call ProLine Radiant at 866.676.9276 or visit us online for more information or installation support and service. At ProLine, we’ll work hard to provide you with the best custom snow melting system solution at the best price possible. Call 866.676.9276 today.

Brace for a Record-Breaking Winter

According to meteorologists and experts at the National Weather Service, the winter of 2014 could bring snowfall of epic proportions where citizens, especially those in the Northeast, “will see snow like they never have in their lives.” Certainly this is a good time to have a radiant snow melting system installed, but the preparation runs much deeper than radiant heat.

Apartment buildings in New York City after snowstorm

Given the technological advancements in weather forecasting, meteorologists are boldly predicting that there is a 99 percent chance of a massive cold-front hitting the U.S. as soon as early October – sooner in the year than has ever happened. Starting from the first early winter blast record-breaking snow storms are expected to affect nearly all of the United States. Meteorologists are even suggesting that U.S. residents in some areas could see up to 50 times the amount of snow compared to years past. The Northeast, Ohio Valley, and the Midwestern states are expected to get hit the hardest.

With early snowfall (predicted to arrive as soon as early October), the average accumulative snow for the 2014 season could be five to ten times that of normal. Needless to say, this is the type of winter that Americans need to prepare for. Edward F. Blankenbaker, Senior Administrator of Meteorologists, told the media that this year will likely be a once-in-a-lifetime kind of snowy winter.

“Pretty much everyone will see snow like they never have in their lives. Most younger people don’t even know what an actual blizzard looks like, but by the end of March, they will be seasoned survivalists,” Blankenbaker said.

Naturally, a radiant snow melting system can be one asset when it comes to combating heavy snow storms, but having a heated driveway and/or walkways is just a small part of the solution. Americans will need to plan accordingly and stock their vehicles with weather emergency kits.

In addition to the impending severe winter weather, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) predicts supply and demand could cause shortages, causing the prices of some staples like bread and milk to increase substantially. FDA spokesperson Rebecca Miller suggests alternatives in preparation of the coming months.

“We are encouraging that you go out and purchase bulk amounts of dry, powdered milk which can be stored in your cupboards,” FDA spokesperson Rebecca Miller suggests. “This will prevent frantic trips to grocery stores and super markets as the onslaught of storms begin to fall upon your respected region.”

Public safety organizations are also encouraging consumers to prepare themselves for brutal winter conditions by obtaining the proper necessities. According to James Satterfield from the National Fire and Safety Advisory Board, preparation can save lives. “Don’t wait until temperatures plummet into a freeze; obtain cold weather clothing and footwear, including wool thermal socks. It is also crucial to have plenty of batteries, candles, weather radios, you name it. Get prepared, it’s coming.” Satterfield warned.

Miller further added, “Stock up on your powdered milk and fill your freezer with loaves of bread, because once the blankets of snow begin to fall, brave souls will confront the elements to raid stores of these products like some sort of scavenger hunt. Don’t be a part of the Snowpocolypse, it’s a dangerous battlefield of crazed-shopping and winter-bitten weather zombies.”

Take steps necessary to ease the pain of brutal winters and heavy snowfall. Heated driveways and snow melting systems keep your driveway and walks clear – even during record breaking snow storms like those predicted for the the winter of 2014. Call ProLine Radiant today at 866.676.9276.

Snow Removal Laws and Liability

Snow Removal Ordinances Continue to Sweep Across Nation

With all of the snow removal ordinances that have been passed in recent years, the increased demand for radiant heat snow melting solutions can be a boon for your business. If homeowners fail to clear snow from driveways and walkways in a timely fashion they run the risk of being fined – not to mention the liability issues associated with slips and falls. Investing in a radiant snow melting system can protect your customers from financial and physical harm – as well as increase their property value.

With the conditions brought on by the polar vortex last year, many had to shovel their driveways two or even three times per day to keep up. To keep driveways clear, constant shoveling, snow blowing or plowing was often followed by considerable snow melting chemical and salt usage. In periods of slower accumulation, some homeowners relied on the heavy application of salt and/or chemicals to remove the snow. While this method of snow removal seems reasonable, it’s often inconsistent, time consuming, and over the long winter, quite costly.

Heated sidewalk and porch
Residence with heated sidewalk and porch.

Radiant heated driveways and walkways make snow removal instantaneous, so the benefits for your customers are numerous:

No more shoveling – This is pretty much a no-brainer. If your customers use an automated system to heat their driveways, they can expect to be greeted by clear, dry pavement the minute they step out the door.

Enhanced safety and no risk of fines or lawsuits – Building on the previous point, a real benefit of having radiant heat is that by keeping pavement clear and free of snow before, during and after a storm, the risk of accumulation resulting in ordinance violations and slip and falls is eliminated.

Fully automated – Regardless of the time of the storm, there’s no need to get up early or shovel late at night. The driveway heats only when needed, keeping it clear ‘round the clock.

No more snow melting chemicals or salt – Shoveling, snow blowing or even plowing requires salting. Without it, blowing snow and variations in temperature can cause cleared areas to ice over. Achieving this requires a lot of salt or snowmelt chemicals, which can be costly for the environment and for families on a budget.

Maintenance free – Electric heated driveways have no moving parts and are maintenance free.

Are you new to the radiant heat game? Intimidated by the installation process? You’ll get the design and installation support you need at ProLine Radiant from professionals with years of purchasing and installation experience. After receiving the project specs from you, ProLine Radiant can provide you with a detailed layout of the custom designed system. And these systems can be customized to meet your customers’ budgets as well. You’ll come out of each consultation with a logistical understanding of any given project from start to finish. In addition to ProLine’s expert installation support team, you also have access to free installation training courses. You simply won’t find a better, more thorough partner to work with when it comes to installing radiant heat. ProLine Radiant will be at your side from beginning to end.

ProLine also maintains an extensive library of radiant heat documents online. The website includes installation manuals, technical guides, informative articles, illustrations and more. Another great benefit of working with ProLine Radiant is the variety of product offerings available. You can purchase snow melting cable right off of the spool or pre-spaced in mats for easy “roll out” installation. ProLine Radiant’s snow melting cable is among the industry’s best, and a favorite, trusted snowmelt solution for professional builders.

Of course there’s more. Give ProLine a call at 866.676.9276 to find out how you can tap into the demand for radiant snow melting systems and protect your customers from fines and lawsuits too.

Enhanced Self-Regulating Roof Heating Cable

ProLine Radiant’s Enhanced Gutter Melt Heating Cable Designed with the Installer in Mind

Snow melting installations for roof gutters and downspouts can be tricky. You need a cable that’s durable, lightweight and easy to work with when you’re installing a roof deicing / gutter melt system. The new enhancements of ProLine Radiant’s self-regulating cable for gutters and downspouts were created especially with the installer in mind. ProLine fans take heart—these design changes haven’t compromised the performance of the ProLine’s industry-leading radiant heat cable. In fact, they’ve improved its overall effectiveness and efficiency.

Whenever you take on radiant heat installation at the roofline you’re often presented with unique challenges. Every customer’s roof is configured in unique ways, often involving tight corners and hard to reach places that can make laying cable tough. To meet these conditions, installers have come to us with requests for cable that’s more flexible for changes in direction on the roof and in tight places. ProLine Radiant’s new self-regulating cable is designed to help you work through these issues to allow you to confidently deliver a radiant snow melting solution that’s just right for your customer.

ProLine snow melting cable is one of the most recommended solutions available to keep roof gutters and downspouts clear during the winter months. Valued for its effective, efficient removal of snow and ice, the cable is UL recognized under the Appliance Wire Classification (file E 76498) and meets the requirements of the NEC (National Electric Code) Section 246, for safe, confident installation and use.

Self-regulating heat cable
Self-regulating heat cable for roof deicing, gutter heating and pipe trace applications.

The self-regulating cable features an irradiated, conductive core that increases the heat output as outside temperatures fall, and decreases output as temperatures rise to efficiently and effectively melt snow and ice. A rugged, durable – yet more flexible – outer construction ensures the cable functions safely through years and years of stinging cold winter days. This unique design makes it long lasting, safe and extremely energy efficient. When paired up with a new ProLine activation device, your customers will benefit from faster automated response times to precipitation events that lead to unwanted ice damming and roof damage.

Outstanding performance and greater cable flexibility allows ProLine Radiant roof heating systems to be customized to accommodate just about any roof type and configuration. ProLine’s roof and gutter heating cable can also be combined with other recommended roof deicing systems to discover and create a unique solution for your customers. It’s the type of flexibility that gives you the freedom to confidently raise your hand for that next big roof heating system installation.

Remember, radiant roof and gutter heating and deicing systems are extremely effective in preventing damage caused by heavy snow and ice that can build up on roofs. Unchecked, these snow events lead to water damage, and destruction of gutters and downspouts. So, when it’s time to sell the virtues of installing a radiant roof and gutter heating and deicing system, be sure to sell your customers on the benefits of using ProLine Radiant’s enhanced heating cable for the job.

Need more information? Contact ProLine Radiant at 866.676.9276 to find out more about our new radiant heat and roof gutter cable.

Enhancements to the Industry Leading Snow Sensor

ProLine Adds Even More Enhancements to its State-of-the-art Snow Sensor

If you haven’t heard, like ProLine Radiant’s snow melting cable, the WS-2 snow sensor has undergone some striking enhancements, resulting in the WS-2C snow switch. This latest marvel in sensor technology was the result of research, technological advancements, and your feedback. For more than a decade, we’ve been forging relationships with and receiving feedback from some the most trusted professionals in the business. This insight is of great benefit, and one of the big reasons ProLine is able to develop and deliver some of the most advanced snow melting technologies in the business.

Snow melting system snow sensor
WS-2C snow sensor for automated snow melting systems.

Some of the new features of the WS-2C snow sensor include:

Universal Input Power Supply (Auto Select Input Voltage) – The universal power supply auto selects the input voltage (100 to 277 volts AC). This simplifies the installation process, eliminating the need to install voltage jumpers to select the operating voltage. The sensor can be operated without any additional adjustment to existing electric or hydronic snow melting systems.

Sensitivity Control – Greater moisture control sensitivity allows for optimum calibration of snow melting systems. This feature not only enhances efficiency, but eliminates false trips – which can ultimately lead to energy cost savings.

Greater After-run Delay Options – The WS-2C offers after-run delays of 30-90 minutes as well as 2-6 hours. Specifically, after a storm, the “after-run delay” function helps to dry the driveway and eliminate ice from forming. A minimum 2-minute closure to reduce cycling of an external controller or feed blower is provided in all the “sensor” modes. When in “Controller” mode, the Delay Off time can be adjusted from 30 to 90 minutes or 2-6 hours by using the DELAY ADJUST control.

Power Indicator Light –The small light on the front cover indicates when the system is on AND when it is activated.

Redesigned Case – In the past, some installers over tightened the screws, warping the cover. The redesign greatly reduces the chances of warping from over tightening the screws, helping to ensure proper long-term operation of the unit.

One of the chief reasons ProLine Radiant attracts professional builders and retains so many repeat customers is simple. ProLine Radiant works closely with construction professionals by providing personal support services during the installation process – ProLine listens to installers and addresses their needs to ensure proper installation and customer satisfaction. Through its relationships with contractors, ProLine Radiant stays current on all the issues facing today’s modern builder. When you purchase from ProLine Radiant, you partner with an experienced, trusted professional whose goal is your success. In addition to receiving industry leading products, you gain the expertise and dedication of ProLine Radiant’s highly experienced system design and installation support teams.

It’s this passion to provide customers with the most advanced and efficient snow melting solutions that has made ProLine Radiant an industry leader for more than a decade. For more information, contact a ProLine Radiant representative at 866.676.9276.

Radiant Floor Heating Systems

The Best Solution for Heating Tile Floors

The ProLine Radiant tile floor heating system is one of the most popular radiant floor heating options on the market. Compatible with all standard sub-flooring materials, ProLine Radiant floor heating systems offer the premium performance expected from the industry leader.

The systems are easily installed under all types of floor surfaces to provide comfortable, even floor heat. ProLine floor heating systems provide efficient room heating and reduce the transmission of dust, allergens and other airborne particulate matter associated with forced air systems.

Heated tile floor

Heating Element

The heating element consists of heat cable on the spool or pre-spaced and woven into an adhesive-backed fiberglass mesh, depending on your preference. The floor warming mats are pre-terminated for use with 120 and 240V, and are available in various lengths (24-inch width). While both cable systems are easy to install, the cable off the spool is particularly convenient for custom shaped floor heating projects.


The ProLine Radiant electronic thermostats are specifically designed to control electric radiant floor heating systems for maximum comfort while minimizing power consumption. Each thermostat also includes an integrated Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI, Class A).

ProLine Radiant Heat Cable Features Include:

Easy to Install The floor heating mats can be rolled out for quick, easy installation, and feature an adhesive backing to secure them to the subfloor.
Energy Efficient The energy efficient system has virtually no heat loss.
Complete System Design ProLine Radiant design experts provide complete, system design services.
Installation Support ProLine Radiant provides free installation training; and you receive personal installation support with your system.
Requires no Floor Buildup The cable is extremely thin (only 1/8 of an inch thick), so virtually no floor buildup is required.
Smart Control 7-day programmable thermostat to accommodate your schedule.
Premier Construction Twin conductor cable / single-point connection
Approvals UL and cUL (U.S. and Canada)

To learn more about the many options available, or to receive a free quote, call ProLine Radiant today, at 866.676.9276.

The Industry Leading Heat Cable Just Got Even Better

ProLine Sets the New Standard with Enhanced Snow Melting Cable

ProLine Radiant works tirelessly to offer products that feature the latest, most advanced proven technology. Given its commitment to provide customers with the most current and effective radiant heat solutions available, ProLine Radiant works closely with installers on the front lines to ensure that their needs are being met.

How does ProLine Radiant offer the best customer service? ProLine maintains relationships with installers and is responsive to their needs. By working closely with building professionals and offering free online training courses, ProLine is able to tap into the latest construction trends and installer challenges.

ProLine snow melting heat cable in mat
ProLine snow melting heat cable in mat

The enhanced heat cable is a culmination of ProLine research, technological advancements and feedback from industry professionals. In fact, several enhancements to the new snow melting cable come as a direct result of suggestions and comments from professional builders during ProLine’s installation training courses. Already established as the trusted snowmelt heat cable among installers, ProLine Radiant’s snow melting systems are relied upon by construction professionals for all types of snowmelt applications, including concrete, asphalt, and pavers.

ProLine Radiant’s relationships with contractors have played a valuable role in ensuring that ProLine Radiant products are current, and meeting the specific needs of installers.  Because ProLine Radiant emphasizes positive long term relationships with construction professionals, you can be certain that you’ll receive unprecedented customer service when you work with ProLine Radiant. You won’t find a provider with better customer service.

The new ProLine Radiant heat cable features several user-friendly enhancements. Building upon the heat cable that installers have grown to trust, the enhanced snowmelt cable has raised the bar for the entire industry. Some of the recently added features include:

  • Enhanced outer jacket ensures cable integrity.
  • The enhanced splice provides more significant water protection and minimizes the potential for installation errors
  • Capable of installation in hotter asphalt. (See article below.)
  • Enhanced capability allows the durable cable to be compacted with a heavier roller.
  • Capable of installation in much colder (lower air temperature) weather. The cable is easier to work with, resulting in quicker installation that can translate to cost-savings for installers.
  • The grounding wire increases tensile strength and minimizes stretching.
  • Greater flexibility in terms of designing and building systems requiring unique/custom specifications. (ProLine Radiant can easily build to your specs.)

Call a ProLine Radiant representative for more information about ProLine’s radiant heat solutions (866.676.9276).

ProLine Enhances Snow Melting Cable for Asphalt

ProLine Radiant’s new heat cable for asphalt snow melting applications is quickly becoming the cable of choice among asphalt installation professionals. Designed specifically to meet the harsh demands of hot asphalt installations, ProLine’s improved heat cable features the same trusted qualities of its industry leading snowmelt cable along with several performance boosting enhancements. The enhanced ProLine Radiant snow melting heat cable for asphalt applications now stands alone as the premier heat cable for asphalt heated driveways, sidewalks and ramps.

Snow accumulating on streets and roofs in Boston during blizzard

ProLine Radiant is the complete provider of radiant heat solutions. In addition to its focus on consistently offering the latest technology and finest products, ProLine Radiant is also committed to providing the best customer service in the industry. That commitment ensures that ProLine customers always have the best service and most advanced solutions possible at the time of their purchase.

Part of ProLine Radiant’s customer service includes free online installation training. During those training sessions, professional installers often provide valuable feedback that allows ProLine to be in touch with the latest needs of installers. Much of the feedback received has contributed to ProLine Radiant’s recent enhancements to its industry leading heat cable.

In addition to the previous qualities of ProLine Radiant’s industry leading heat cable, the cable features several notable enhancements, including:

  • Capable of installation in hotter asphalt. (460°F versus 280°F)
  • Every individual cable is tested prior to being shipped (unlike most manufactures that only conduct “batch” testing for their heat cable).
  • Increased cable strength. The molten asphalt can be compacted with a 2-ton roller (compared to the 1-ton limit of other leading cables).
  • Capability of being installed easily in colder air temperatures.
  • The cable features an enhanced splice that provides easier installation while minimizing the potential for improper installation.
  • The cable allows for greater flexibility in terms of designing and building systems that best meet custom specifications.

For more specific information about ProLine Radiant’s new asphalt heating cable, call 866.676.9276.

Radiant Heat Solutions