Tag Archives: Heated driveways

A Happy Valentine’s with my Heated Driveway

Ah February, the month for lovers. A month fraught with cold weather, but also a month with a special day (Valentine’s Day) set aside for us to bask in the warmth of a loving relationship. It’s a day for us to recognize and express appreciation for our special companion.

It’s also a day that we don’t want to forget. Trust me on this. It’s very important to remember our “significant other” on Valentine’s Day. It just so happens that I know from experience, if we forget to do something special on that day, we’ll likely be reminded of our memory lapse for the next 364 days. So, I suggest that you step up and mark your calendars today! In addition to the normal daily gestures of love and appreciation, make sure you do something especially grand on that day.

As for my Valentine, I must confess: I have more than one love in my life. Now before you pass judgement, let me explain. Every year on Valentine’s Day, I make sure to express my love and gratefulness for my sweet wife. I always write a little letter and put it in a Valentine’s card along with some kind of gift (usually chocolate or jewelry). But I’m also grateful to my contractor for introducing me to my other “love”. My radiant heated driveway.

You see, I have a great deal of gratitude in my heart for that beautiful snow melting system. I don’t give my driveway heating system chocolate or diamonds, but I do appreciate it for making my life a little better. If I wrote a “thank you” note to my driveway, it would go something like this:

My dear radiant heat system, how can I express to you my appreciation for the warmth and comfort that you bring into my life? Don’t think I don’t know or recognize how hard you are working on those stormy nights while I sleep peacefully in my warm bed.

Radiant heated driveway after a snowstorm.

I know that I sleep in a lot nowadays, but before you arrived, I had to set my alarm much earlier on those snowy mornings so I could have time to shovel and salt the driveways and walks. But now, when the snow is falling at night, I sleep better, knowing that I don’t have to wake up extra early in the morning to clear my driveway. How can I thank you for that?

I am also grateful for all the pain you save me from having to experience. You know how my back is, and I’m not getting any younger. Because of you, I can walk a little more upright, and skip the heavy doses of Advil and Tylenol. I also appreciate not having to buy bags of salt, or invest in other snow removal equipment.

I want you to know that my wife loves you too. She and I both love the fact that you are maintenance free. We don’t have to worry about a thing. Since you’ve come into our lives, winters have been easier.    

I am also grateful that you are fully automated. I don’t have to worry about incoming storms because I know that you’ll take care of everything if a snowstorm arrives. If there’s no storm, I know that you are sitting there, silently, waiting to pounce when the first snow flake dares to fall. Heck, even when the snow starts falling, you still operate silently. You have the driveway all warmed up so that when the storm arrives, none of the snow sticks to the surface. The whole neighborhood can be covered in white, but my driveway remains completely clear. Thank you for that. You are my trophy driveway.

Radiant heated driveway and sidewalk.

I am also grateful that you make a special effort to keep the driveway clear of dangerous “black ice”. I know that even after the storm abates, you operate for a short time so that all the melted snow evaporates, leaving the driveway dry. None of the melted snow remains, which makes the driveway so much safer after a storm.

So don’t ever think that I take you for granted, or don’t notice all that you do. You may be out of sight, and you never make a sound, but we know you’re there, and that gives us peace of mind. I thank you for that.

I’m grateful to my contractor for introducing me to you. I suppose he could have brushed me off and told me to look elsewhere, but instead, he played “matchmaker” and hooked us up. And it’s been a perfect match!

I’m also grateful to ProLine for providing outstanding products at wholesale prices. Because of this, my contractor was able to set me up with a heated driveway that I could afford. ProLine also provided all the support and training for the installers. It seems that this was a team effort, and I was the one who benefitted the most. Thank you, ProLine. Well, I don’t want to make my wife jealous, so I better sign off now. But on this Valentine’s Day, I will not only be thankful for my wife, but also for my new heated driveway. Life is good.

For more information about radiant snow melting systems, roof de-icing, floor heating, pipe trace, or radiant heat support services, contact a friendly ProLine representative today, at 866-676-9276. Get matched up with your radiant heat system today!

Industry Leading Radiant Heat Solutions

Technology continues to change our world on a daily basis. Some new technologies are being fine tuned to accommodate our needs while others have already established themselves as winners that have won their way into our daily lives. One such refined technology that continues to be adopted across the globe is radiant heat.

Radiant floor heating systems offer the most efficient means for heating homes today. Another popular application for radiant heat is for exterior snow melting applications. Heated driveways and roof de-icing systems are becoming commonplace now.

Installing radiant heat cable in mats
Laying out the heating cable (mats) for a heated driveway installation.

Snow Melting Systems

Maintenance Free and Fully Automated

The advanced technology and components of radiant heat make it a popular addition to new home construction projects. Radiant heated driveways are fully automated, maintenance free, versatile, and reliable. And homeowners have a variety of custom options that are available.

ProLine’s electric driveway heating systems are easily tailored to meet your customers’ specific requirements. Whether you’re faced with unique layout issues or your customer’s budget constraints, ProLine can make radiant heat a reality by working with you to custom design the system that best meets the project demands. Some typical heated driveway installations include the following configurations:

Heat the entire driveway –  Sometimes there is nothing quite like having the entire driveway surface clear and dry after a snowstorm.

Heat two tire tracks – One option to save homeowners some installation costs as well as operational costs is to design and install two 24-inch wide heated tracks. This is an especially popular solution for homeowners with long driveways and / or limited available power.

Heat an 8-foot wide strip in the middle of the driveway – Another more affordable option is to only heat the middle area, typically an 8-foot wide strip up the middle of the driveway.

Heated driveway with four heated tire tracks
Driveways with heated tire tracks.

Heat custom areas – For budget minded customers, heating only small sections of the driveway may be an option. For example, only install radiant heat in the driveway where it inclines, or is always shaded. This is especially convenient for driveways that descend to a busy road.

ProLine Radiant – Created for Professional Builders

ProLine Radiant was created to provide professional builders with affordable, premium quality radiant heat systems, backed by unprecedented customer support services. We understand what it takes for contractors to succeed in the competitive world of construction. ProLine makes the process of installing radiant heat systems easy for contractors. We take care of the legwork and details of the system design so you can focus on what you do best.

Support Services

ProLine Radiant provides FREE installation training. This is an invaluable service for contractors, and not only helps to speed up the installation process, but can help to ensure that the system is installed correctly. The training is available online via web conference, and is typically completed in less than an hour.

Even though installers receive training for their installation, sometimes unforeseen conditions can be present, and installers may have questions. That’s why ProLine has a dedicated staff of support personnel who stand ready to field any calls from installers. We’ll help you in any way we can to resolve the matter at hand.

ProLine also includes detailed system design and layout services. Installers will have the precise layout of the system as well as all of the technical and electrical information, including, the proper layout of the heating element and system components, proper load calculations, breaker sizes, number of breakers, etc. ProLine layouts serve as the road map for installers and electricians.

The professional system design, training, and support services help to make it easier for contractors to offer radiant heat solutions to their customers. We are committed to standing by our customers, and assisting when and where we can. ProLine systems feature the most proven and trusted products on the market, all backed by dedicated service professionals.

For more details about radiant heated driveways, floor heating systems, roof de-icing solutions, or pipe trace systems, call a friendly radiant heat expert at ProLine today, at 866-676-9276. You won’t find a better partner for your radiant heat installations.

Heating Asphalt Driveways

Heat Cable Designed for Hot Asphalt Applications

Snow-melting systems are a popular product among construction professionals. They provide valuable benefits to customers and help professionals grow their businesses. Radiant snow-melting systems are often used in concrete and paver driveways and walkways, but some commercial and residential customers prefer other paving mediums, like asphalt.

ProLine offers specially designed products like ProLine’s heating cables for asphalt. These specially designed products give ProLine and your business a leg up over competitors. ProLine also provides top-notch customer service and training so that installing a radiant heat system for your customers is simple. No matter which ProLine product you choose, there are a few essential installation tips to ensure each system functions at maximum efficiency.

Perhaps the most important tip is this: Take advantage of ProLine’s free installation training. It is important for installers to be prepared and confident when installing a snow-melting system. A system is only as good as its installation, which is why ProLine offers comprehensive installation training and technical support. Taking advantage of these services can help installation go smoothly and ease the stress of working with new products. Training is delivered online via web conference. Knowledgeable, experienced instructors will cover all aspects of the installation and answer any questions throughout the training.

Installing radiant heat in an asphalt driveway
Installing a heated asphalt driveway.

ProLine’s technical support staff is also available to answer any questions that may come up during installation. ProLine also includes professional system design and a detailed AutoCAD for every project. AutoCAD layouts contain all the information needed for a successful installation. With the precise layout of the heating elements, proper load calculations, number of breakers, and breaker sizes, it is a vital tool for electricians. Installers should refer to it often. Avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes and ensure a system operates at peak efficiency using ProLine’s support services.

When you’re confident and ready to begin the installation, the first step is clearing the area of any debris or issues that may impede system function. Once the area is clear and you have checked that all of your components are available and functioning, it’s time to start laying out the cable. There are a few vital rules when working with ProLine’s industry-leading heating cables. First, never cut the actual cable. Cutting the cable will damage the system and prevent proper function. If you have extra cable, you can reduce the spacing slightly, or cut the tape backing and route the cable around the perimeter within the heated area. But remember, the minimum cable spacing is 2-inches. The heating cable cannot touch, cross, or overlap at all. Touching cables can lead to excessive heat and cause burnout. The heating cable also must never pass through an expansion joint. Proper installation also requires that the splice and at least 6-inches of the power lead be embedded in the paved surface.

Once the cable is laid out (and tested) it is time to install the medium on top of the cable. With a medium like asphalt, it’s vital to find a product that can withstand the heat and pressure of a hot asphalt pour. ProLine’s heating cable for asphalt is a state-of-the-art product specially designed to withstand the extreme temperatures required by asphalt applications. Asphalt heating cable is rated at 464 degrees Fahrenheit (260 degrees Celsius) for up to 10 minutes.

ProLine’s asphalt heating cable is available in mats or loose coiled in a box. Individual cable is often utilized for small or odd-shaped areas. Mats are the first choice for standard-sized areas, such as heating an entire driveway.  Popular layouts include two 24-inch wide tire tracks, an 8-foot strip in the middle of a driveway, or installing the cable is specific “problem” areas. Driveway inclines or shaded areas that collect run-off are often overlooked and benefit from a snow-melting system.

As you are shoveling the asphalt, take special care when using tools such as shovels, trowels, or rakes. Be sure to never dig straight into the asphalt with a shovel. This will damage the cable. Skimming the top layer of asphalt carefully will ensure your cable isn’t damaged, and functions appropriately. Finally, all heating cables should be embedded under at least 2-inches of asphalt.

A ProLine snow-melting system is fully-automated. The system’s snow sensor can be aerial or pavement mounted and must be mounted correctly. It may seem obvious, but make sure the sensor is mounted where it will be exposed to the weather. Without a 360-degree view of the sky, it will not detect snow. If snow is not detected, the system will not be triggered or will experience a delay.

Retrofitting an existing asphalt driveway is as easy as a new construction installation. ProLine heating cable for asphalt is simply laid out on the existing driveway and a new layer of asphalt is then applied. Retrofitting is also available for other mediums, including concrete. For more details, contact a ProLine radiant heat expert.

Installing a snow-melting system under asphalt or any other medium doesn’t have to be a concern for your business. Working with ProLine means you’ll receive superior products and outstanding customer service that keeps you and your customers happy. If you’re ready to utilize ProLine’s advanced products for your business, reach out to a customer service specialist today at 866-676-9276.