Tag Archives: Snow melting systems

Calculating Radiant Heat Operating Costs

How Much will it Cost to Operate a Radiant Heat System?

A common question among homeowners looking to install radiant heat is “How much will it cost to run the system?” Of course, each snow melting or floor heating system is unique, and local utility rates vary throughout the country. However, there is a formula that can be used to give potential buyers a good idea of what the operating cost of their snow melting system will be.

Each ProLine Radiant snowmelt system is custom designed. To ensure optimum performance, each radiant heat system is designed specifically for the conditions of the area in which it is being installed. Everything from the altitude and average snowfall is considered as well as average winter temperatures. The experts at ProLine understand that a radiant heating system is only as good as its installation, which is why ProLine commits so much of its expertise to professional system design, as well as installation support and training. When it comes to complete service, you won’t find a more reliable provider than ProLine Radiant.

Heated driveway with brick pavers

To calculate the operating cost of your snow melting system, you’ll first need to obtain the kilowatt-per-hour rate from your local power utility company. These rates vary from region to region, so the rate shown here in the following formula uses the national average kilowatt per hour rate (12 cents) for the formula below.

  1. Determine the total square footage of the area to be heated. (The average American home has an 800-square-foot driveway.)
  2. Multiply the square footage by the heat required (37 watts per square foot for residential). This will give you a total for the watts per square footage required.
  3. Divide this number by 1,000 to convert to kilowatts.

Example (for heating an 800-square-foot driveway): 800 (square feet) x 37 (watts) = 29,600 (total watts).

29,600 divided by 1,000 = 29.6 kw per hour (This is what the power company will charge per one hour of operation.) The average utility rate is 12 cents, therefore: 29.6 x .12 = 3.55. The cost of operation would be $3.55 per hour.

ProLine Radiant’s professional designers configure your snow melting system to best meet your snowmelt needs in the most efficient manner possible. ProLine’s snow melting heat cable is a longtime, proven industry leader that has been installed in commercial and residential applications throughout Northern America. The heat cable is available on spools or pre-spaced in mats (with strips of tape backing) that can be rolled out on site, providing quick and easy “roll-out” installation.

While systems vary, residential snow melting systems typically operate at 37 watts per square foot while commercial snow melting systems operate at 50 watts per square foot. The formula shown here would therefore change accordingly and you would multiply the square footage by 50.

ProLine’s radiant design team provides AutoCAD drawings of each system that includes all the power requirements and technical specs. Customers will know all the information you need prior to any installation taking place, including load calculations, number of breakers, breaker sizes, and so on. ProLine is committed to your success.

Contact a ProLine representative today to learn more about your radiant heating options (866.676.9276).

Troubleshooting Tips for Roofing Installers

Tips for Troubleshooting ProLine Low-voltage Roof Heating Systems

ProLine Radiant’s low-voltage,  roof deicing system has proven to be one of the most effective roof heating systems available. This efficient system is ideal for heating roof edges and valleys, as well as gutters and downspouts.

The thin, semi-conductive polymer heating element is self-regulating and can be discreetly secured under metal, shingles or other roofing surface. The flexible heating element can also be nailed or stapled through, further making installation quick and easy, and is polypropylene fused during fabrication to achieve water proofing and protection from alkaline or salt damage.

Low-voltage heating element
The advanced low-voltage roof heating element.

If your system is not powering up as it should after installation, try these simple steps to diagnose the problem.

Remove outer casing of the power pack.

Is the system getting power? (Measure the voltage on the supply side of the power pack.)

Is your snow controller or activation device triggered? (Do you have contact closure across the trigger and 24-volt terminals at the top of the regulator board? This will provide the contact closure for the trigger and 24-volt terminals mentioned above.)

With the casing of the power pack removed, verify that you have power reaching each run of the RoofHeat material:

  1. Check each output’s indicator LED (should be lit when triggered and off when not).
  2. Clamp on the amp probe to one output lead at a time to verify that there is current in each output load. (The amount of power will be determined by the length of the heating material in the circuits and the ambient temperature.) At 70°F the current should be approximately 18.5 amps for a 30-foot run of material.

In addition to designing radiant heat systems, ProLine also provides installation support and free installation training. Contact a ProLine representative today to learn more, at 866.676.9276.

ProLine Snow Melting Systems

Premier System Components, Support and Customer Service

ProLine snow melting systems are among the best in the industry. These fully automated systems are easy to customize to meet the individual snow melting and budget needs of your customers, and will provide efficient, maintenance free performance.

ProLine electric snowmelt systems can be utilized for a variety of radiant heating applications, including concrete, hot asphalt, pavers and more. These snow and ice melt systems are commonly used for a variety of residential and commercial snowmelt applications.

Heated sidewalk and porch
Residence with heated sidewalk and porch.

ProLine snowmelt heat cable is available pre-spaced in mats and on spools, making it a versatile, easy to customize and install for all types of custom snow melting projects. These fully automated electric heated driveways are activated by a high-tech snow sensor that detects moisture and temperature. When it detects precipitation and the temperature is below 39° Fahrenheit, the sensor signals the master controller. The controller then sends power to the embedded heat cable to warm the driveway, ramp or sidewalk. After the snow stops falling, the system remains on for a short time to dry the surface before shutting off automatically.

ProLine snowmelt systems are built from top quality materials and capable of performing under the harshest winter conditions. The convenient design, versatility and durable construction of ProLine electric radiant heat cable and mats make them a favorite among construction professionals throughout the country.

ProLine snow melting mats feature industry-leading heat cable that is pre-spaced in mats that can be easily rolled out during installation, simplifying and expediting the installation process while ensuring proper cable spacing for optimum performance. Unparalleled in performance and user-friendly design, ProLine snow melting heat cable (in mats or on spools) has proven to be one of the most reliable and easy-to-install radiant heating systems on the market.

Whether you plan on heating entire sidewalks, porches, driveways or small spaces, the ProLine radiant heating system can be tailored to meet the unique needs of most any snow and ice melting application. ProLine custom designs each system and includes personal installation support if you need to ensure your customers’ satisfaction – and your success. Contact a ProLine radiant heat expert today to see the options available.

Learn more about ProLine Radiant’s professional design/layout services and installation support, as well as ProLine’s free installation training by calling a ProLine radiant heat expert today at 866.676.9276.

ProLine Radiant Installation Tips

Important Guidelines for Preparing and Installing Radiant Snow and Ice Melting Systems

Although ProLine Radiant offers the industry’s premier radiant heat products and system components, it is important to remember that a radiant heat system is only as good as its installation. That’s why it’s so important to work with a radiant heat provider that offers complete radiant heat services, including professional system design and expert installation support services.

While many radiant heat providers claim to offer installation support, the fact is that most do not have a dedicated support staff of electrical and installation experts. Some unscrupulous businesses can be very persuasive to get consumers to buy, but after the purchase, the customer’s nightmare often begins. When you work with ProLine, you can count on having access to experienced pros to help you through the installation process.

Radiant heat warranty card
Example of a radiant snow melting system warranty card.

Here are some important tips for installing radiant heat systems:

Record Resistance Values in Warranty Card – First and foremost, keep your warranty valid by following the installation instructions and using a megohmmeter to measure the cable readings before, during and after the installation process as outlined. (The megohmmeter is a special type of ohmmeter used to measure the electrical resistance of insulators.) Measuring the cable’s ohm reading during the installation process provides the required warranty information and can reveal if any cable has been damaged during the install.

 ► Check the ohm value shown on the cable tag as soon as you receive the cable. Write the value in the space provided on the warranty card.
 ► Measure the ohm reading of the cable and record the results in the space provided on the warranty card.
 ► Lay the cable out and secure it so that it is ready to be embedded (under concrete, asphalt or pavers) and then measure the cable’s ohm reading. Record this value in the space provided on the warranty card.
 ► Apply the top layer (concrete, asphalt or pavers) and measure the ohm reading. Record the results in the space provided on the warranty card.
     Cable Installation Tips
 ► Always maintain proper cable spacing. (Cables should be spaced no less than 2 inches apart (center-to-center) and no more than 4 inches, center to center. Minimum spacing is 2 inches. Maximum cable spacing is 4 inches.)
 ► Never allow the cables to cross or touch each other. (Keep a cable spacing of at least 2 inches.)
 ► Never cut the heating cable.
 ► In concrete and asphalt applications, the heating cable should be 2 inches from the finished surface. (The heating cable should never be resting on the ground prior to the pour.)
 ► DO NOT run heating cable through an expansion joint. (Make sure the joint is tooled or cut no deeper than 1¼-inches. The cable must be ¾ to 1-inch below the bottom of the joint.)
 ► Do not flex or strain the heat cable splice by pulling on the cable. Be sure to embed all of the cable, including the entire splice and 6-inches of cold lead.
 ► Do not kink or bend the cable sharply. Doing so can cause the insulation to “bubble” and pull away from the cable.
 ► When installing under pavers, make certain that there is ½-inch of compacted paver sand or stone dust on top of the heating cables or mats. (Cables must be completely encased with no air gaps.)

Installation Training

Knowing that a radiant heating system is only as good as its installation, ProLine offers free installation training, conveniently available online as well as in person at our corporate headquarters. ProLine also provides free training at rep locations throughout the country. Special training sessions may also be set up at your convenience. Our personal instructors will cover all the necessary topics and answer any questions you may have to give you the knowledge and confidence necessary to install interior and exterior radiant heat systems. These courses will help you gain the confidence you need to install radiant heated driveways, heated floors and roof deicing systems.

Contact ProLine to learn more about our products and installation support, free training, and professional design and layout services.

Call ProLine today at (866.676.9276).

Operating a Large Snowmelt System with Limited Power

Zoning Allows you to Enjoy the Benefits of Radiant Heat Using Minimal Power

Many homeowners are discouraged upon initially learning how much power it will take to operate the snow melting system of their dreams. But ProLine Radiant offers an effective solution that allows homeowners and businesses to install and operate a radiant heat system with limited amperage. Some hesitate to install a heated driveway system because they aren’t sure if they have enough amperage to power the system.

The performance and reliability of electric snowmelt systems can’t be beat, which is why they are the system of choice for so many homeowners. But after the initial assessment of their project by some radiant heat providers, some homeowners are discouraged to find that they lack the power to run a large snow melting system. But ProLine Radiant offers an innovative way to overcome the “lack of amperage” problem. By using a technique known as “zoning” (or staging), ProLine makes it possible to install and operate a large heated driveway system using minimal power (amps). This industry leading solution to power constraints is both effective and highly efficient.

How Zoning Works

For example, a heated driveway is being installed, but only two 30-amp breakers are available to power the system. To overcome the hurdle of limited power, the area to be heated is divided into zones. (See the corresponding illustration below, which shows the system divided into zones 1-4.) A snow sensor is installed in every zone, and the same power source (breakers) is supplied to each zone.

A snowmelt system with zoning.
Zoning allows you to operate a large snow melting system with limited power.

The zones are then prioritized. Zone 1 is designated as the most important area which needs to be cleared first. Upon detecting snow, the sensor in Zone 1 signals the controller, activating the system and clearing the area of snow.

After Zone 1 has been cleared of snow the breakers then shift power to Zone 2. Zone 2 is then heated and subsequently cleared. With Zones 1 and 2 now clear of snow, the breakers shift power to Zone 3. After Zone 3 is cleared, Zone 4 is then powered.


To recap, the Zone prioritized as the most important is cleared first, using power from the two 30-amp breakers. After Zone 1 has been cleared, the power is then switched to the next zone. When the second zone has been cleared, the breakers send power to Zone 3, followed by Zone 4 and so on. By using ProLine Radiant’s innovative cycling system, an entire area to be heated can be powered by just two 30-amp breakers.

ProLine Radiant’s industry leading cycling system is extremely efficient because it utilizes a “smart” feature. For example, if the snow in Zone 3 happens to melt before the zone is activated, then there would be no need for that zone to energize. Using ProLine Radiant’s method, the sensor in Zone 3 would detect that there is no snow to melt, and therefore no power would be sent to the zone. This smart feature saves money by ensuring that the system operates only when needed.

Many other zoning systems on the market use timers to activate the zones. These systems cycle between zones according to set times, regardless whether a zone is clear of snow or not. Furthermore, in some cases the snow in Zone 1 may be partially melted, yet the timer dictates that power is to be switched to Zone 2, resulting in neither area being fully cleared. This scenario (using set times) can create much longer melt times and be very inefficient in terms of power usage. By using ProLine Radiant’s cycling system; you are assured of energy efficiency, and the priority area will always be melted.

You can always call ProLine Radiant at 866.676.9276 or visit us online for more information or installation support and service. At ProLine, we’ll work hard to provide you with the best custom snow melting system solution at the best price possible. Call 866.676.9276 today.

Brace for a Record-Breaking Winter

According to meteorologists and experts at the National Weather Service, the winter of 2014 could bring snowfall of epic proportions where citizens, especially those in the Northeast, “will see snow like they never have in their lives.” Certainly this is a good time to have a radiant snow melting system installed, but the preparation runs much deeper than radiant heat.

Apartment buildings in New York City after snowstorm

Given the technological advancements in weather forecasting, meteorologists are boldly predicting that there is a 99 percent chance of a massive cold-front hitting the U.S. as soon as early October – sooner in the year than has ever happened. Starting from the first early winter blast record-breaking snow storms are expected to affect nearly all of the United States. Meteorologists are even suggesting that U.S. residents in some areas could see up to 50 times the amount of snow compared to years past. The Northeast, Ohio Valley, and the Midwestern states are expected to get hit the hardest.

With early snowfall (predicted to arrive as soon as early October), the average accumulative snow for the 2014 season could be five to ten times that of normal. Needless to say, this is the type of winter that Americans need to prepare for. Edward F. Blankenbaker, Senior Administrator of Meteorologists, told the media that this year will likely be a once-in-a-lifetime kind of snowy winter.

“Pretty much everyone will see snow like they never have in their lives. Most younger people don’t even know what an actual blizzard looks like, but by the end of March, they will be seasoned survivalists,” Blankenbaker said.

Naturally, a radiant snow melting system can be one asset when it comes to combating heavy snow storms, but having a heated driveway and/or walkways is just a small part of the solution. Americans will need to plan accordingly and stock their vehicles with weather emergency kits.

In addition to the impending severe winter weather, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) predicts supply and demand could cause shortages, causing the prices of some staples like bread and milk to increase substantially. FDA spokesperson Rebecca Miller suggests alternatives in preparation of the coming months.

“We are encouraging that you go out and purchase bulk amounts of dry, powdered milk which can be stored in your cupboards,” FDA spokesperson Rebecca Miller suggests. “This will prevent frantic trips to grocery stores and super markets as the onslaught of storms begin to fall upon your respected region.”

Public safety organizations are also encouraging consumers to prepare themselves for brutal winter conditions by obtaining the proper necessities. According to James Satterfield from the National Fire and Safety Advisory Board, preparation can save lives. “Don’t wait until temperatures plummet into a freeze; obtain cold weather clothing and footwear, including wool thermal socks. It is also crucial to have plenty of batteries, candles, weather radios, you name it. Get prepared, it’s coming.” Satterfield warned.

Miller further added, “Stock up on your powdered milk and fill your freezer with loaves of bread, because once the blankets of snow begin to fall, brave souls will confront the elements to raid stores of these products like some sort of scavenger hunt. Don’t be a part of the Snowpocolypse, it’s a dangerous battlefield of crazed-shopping and winter-bitten weather zombies.”

Take steps necessary to ease the pain of brutal winters and heavy snowfall. Heated driveways and snow melting systems keep your driveway and walks clear – even during record breaking snow storms like those predicted for the the winter of 2014. Call ProLine Radiant today at 866.676.9276.

The Industry Leading Heat Cable Just Got Even Better

ProLine Sets the New Standard with Enhanced Snow Melting Cable

ProLine Radiant works tirelessly to offer products that feature the latest, most advanced proven technology. Given its commitment to provide customers with the most current and effective radiant heat solutions available, ProLine Radiant works closely with installers on the front lines to ensure that their needs are being met.

How does ProLine Radiant offer the best customer service? ProLine maintains relationships with installers and is responsive to their needs. By working closely with building professionals and offering free online training courses, ProLine is able to tap into the latest construction trends and installer challenges.

ProLine snow melting heat cable in mat
ProLine snow melting heat cable in mat

The enhanced heat cable is a culmination of ProLine research, technological advancements and feedback from industry professionals. In fact, several enhancements to the new snow melting cable come as a direct result of suggestions and comments from professional builders during ProLine’s installation training courses. Already established as the trusted snowmelt heat cable among installers, ProLine Radiant’s snow melting systems are relied upon by construction professionals for all types of snowmelt applications, including concrete, asphalt, and pavers.

ProLine Radiant’s relationships with contractors have played a valuable role in ensuring that ProLine Radiant products are current, and meeting the specific needs of installers.  Because ProLine Radiant emphasizes positive long term relationships with construction professionals, you can be certain that you’ll receive unprecedented customer service when you work with ProLine Radiant. You won’t find a provider with better customer service.

The new ProLine Radiant heat cable features several user-friendly enhancements. Building upon the heat cable that installers have grown to trust, the enhanced snowmelt cable has raised the bar for the entire industry. Some of the recently added features include:

  • Enhanced outer jacket ensures cable integrity.
  • The enhanced splice provides more significant water protection and minimizes the potential for installation errors
  • Capable of installation in hotter asphalt. (See article below.)
  • Enhanced capability allows the durable cable to be compacted with a heavier roller.
  • Capable of installation in much colder (lower air temperature) weather. The cable is easier to work with, resulting in quicker installation that can translate to cost-savings for installers.
  • The grounding wire increases tensile strength and minimizes stretching.
  • Greater flexibility in terms of designing and building systems requiring unique/custom specifications. (ProLine Radiant can easily build to your specs.)

Call a ProLine Radiant representative for more information about ProLine’s radiant heat solutions (866.676.9276).

ProLine Enhances Snow Melting Cable for Asphalt

ProLine Radiant’s new heat cable for asphalt snow melting applications is quickly becoming the cable of choice among asphalt installation professionals. Designed specifically to meet the harsh demands of hot asphalt installations, ProLine’s improved heat cable features the same trusted qualities of its industry leading snowmelt cable along with several performance boosting enhancements. The enhanced ProLine Radiant snow melting heat cable for asphalt applications now stands alone as the premier heat cable for asphalt heated driveways, sidewalks and ramps.

Snow accumulating on streets and roofs in Boston during blizzard

ProLine Radiant is the complete provider of radiant heat solutions. In addition to its focus on consistently offering the latest technology and finest products, ProLine Radiant is also committed to providing the best customer service in the industry. That commitment ensures that ProLine customers always have the best service and most advanced solutions possible at the time of their purchase.

Part of ProLine Radiant’s customer service includes free online installation training. During those training sessions, professional installers often provide valuable feedback that allows ProLine to be in touch with the latest needs of installers. Much of the feedback received has contributed to ProLine Radiant’s recent enhancements to its industry leading heat cable.

In addition to the previous qualities of ProLine Radiant’s industry leading heat cable, the cable features several notable enhancements, including:

  • Capable of installation in hotter asphalt. (460°F versus 280°F)
  • Every individual cable is tested prior to being shipped (unlike most manufactures that only conduct “batch” testing for their heat cable).
  • Increased cable strength. The molten asphalt can be compacted with a 2-ton roller (compared to the 1-ton limit of other leading cables).
  • Capability of being installed easily in colder air temperatures.
  • The cable features an enhanced splice that provides easier installation while minimizing the potential for improper installation.
  • The cable allows for greater flexibility in terms of designing and building systems that best meet custom specifications.

For more specific information about ProLine Radiant’s new asphalt heating cable, call 866.676.9276.

Successfully Installing Radiant Snowmelt Systems

Tips for Proper Installation of Heated Driveways and Walks

A radiant heated driveway is only as good as its installation, which is why it’s important to carefully follow best practices when installing radiant heat. Follow a few simple tips and your snow melting system will be up and running in no time, working as it was designed to do.

For starters, before you lay down a foot of heat cable, it’s important to make sure you have the right products for your installation. Prior to any installation, check the voltage and the wattage of the heating cable (typically indicated on the box). If you’re unsure, you can always contact ProLine Radiant for confirmation and/or recommendations. We offer free installation support to help ensure that the installation process goes smoothly and properly.

Installing radiant heat cable in mats
Laying out the heating cable (mats) for a heated driveway installation.

A key practice to ensure the successful installation of a radiant snow melting system is to use a megohmmeter to perform OHM tests of the heat cable before removal from the box, during, and after the installation. This allows you to discover any potential problems as early as possible, saving you time and headaches, as well as ensure successful installation. Always document the results to maintain the manufacturer’s warranty.

Here are a few rules to remember as you begin the installation of your system:

Never cut, cross or overlap the heating cable. Heat cable should not be altered under any circumstances, as it may cause overheating, resulting in damage to the cable.
Always embed the cable completely. Leave no air around the cable.
Make sure to embed the factory splice (where the heating cable and power lead meet).
Using a megohmmeter, perform OHM tests of the heat cable before removing the cable from the box, during the installation, and after the cable has been laid out.
Always run the cold lead in conduit (power lead for the heating cable) – it is not direct burial.

For asphalt applications, snow melting cables are normally covered by two inches of asphalt. To prevent heat damage, the asphalt should be allowed to cool to 220°F (105°C) before pouring directly onto the mats or cables. Ground sensors/tubes should not be exposed to temperatures above 176°F (80°C).

And, for a proper sensor installation, both ground and aerial activation devices require a clear, 360-degree “view” of the sky to allow snow to fall onto the sensor plate. If drifting is an issue where the snowmelt system is being installed, it’s best to install a ground sensor.

Of course, you should always read the Installation Manual and follow instructions. You can always call ProLine Radiant at 866.676.9276 or visit us online for more information or installation support. At ProLine, we work with contractors and professional builders to provide customers with the best custom snow melting system solution at the best price possible.

Options and Tips for Installing Asphalt Heated Driveways

When it comes to installing a radiant heated driveway, installing a system in asphalt is one of the easiest applications available. The systems are not only easy to install in asphalt, but provide stellar performance, making asphalt heated driveways a popular choice among homeowners and business owners. Asphalt radiant heated driveways feature energy efficient, maintenance-free operation that enhances safety by keeping driveways clear of snow and ice 24/7. And radiant heat can be easily installed in new construction, asphalt refresh or even in existing driveways. Asphalt driveways offer great flexibility when it comes to adding or installing a radiant snow melting system. So regardless where you are in your plans, there’s still time to include a radiant heated asphalt driveway.

Asphalt and radiant snow melting systems go together for several reasons. They are both durable, and engineered to withstand extreme temperatures. They also adapt easily to the environment. Asphalt pavements flex and “give” with significant settlements of frost heave, while ProLine automated snow melting systems respond to the weather, operating only when conditions indicate that snow is on the way.

Retrofitting an asphalt driveway with radiant heat.
Retrofitting an asphalt driveway with radiant heat.

ProLine heat cable is specifically designed to withstand the hot temperatures of new asphalt construction jobs. And in keeping with ProLine’s commitment to always offer the latest technology and the best, most proven products, ProLine has taken its industry leading cable and added even more outstanding performance features. We listened to the comments and suggestions we received from you and other construction professionals during our FREE installation training courses to make your requests and made them a reality. This means our industry leading snow melting cable has now been enhanced to offer even more robust features, including the ability to install in much hotter asphalt temperatures, easier installation during cold weather conditions, an even tougher outer sheath and much more. Contact a ProLine representative to learn more about these latest advancements.

You see, at ProLine we are never content to be among the leaders. We might not achieve perfection, but we’ll never stop trying. We work tirelessly to research, test and develop the absolute best products possible to ensure that your business succeeds. And we can’t do that without your feedback and working closely with you during the installation process.

To install radiant heat in a new asphalt driveway, the cable is laid out on the binder or base coat and then hand shovel approximately 2-inches of asphalt directly over the cable. The asphalt is then compacted, using a 1-ton roller or less. Installing a heated asphalt driveway is relatively quick and easy. But remember, a snow melting system is only as good as its installation, so be sure to follow instructions and best practices, and don’t hesitate to take advantage of ProLine’s free installation support services. The fully automated heated driveway (or sidewalk) will provide a discreet, reliable and maintenance free operation to keep your walks and driveway snow and ice free.

If you’ve already got an asphalt driveway, but it’s in sore need of repair, placing an overlay on the existing surface can be easily accomplished. As with the new pour, ProLine snow melting cable can be installed just before the overlay. After a quick patch, apply asphalt as described above and compact. NOTE: Be sure to have a qualified electrician perform the electrical work. And follow the instructions in in the manual so ensure you keep your warranty valid.

Existing asphalt driveways can also be retrofitted with radiant heat. Using saw-cut technology, grooves are cut into the existing asphalt, and the heat cable is then placed in the freshly cut grooves. An epoxy topcoat is then applied as a sealant over the newly embedded cable. For additional traction and safety, a sand broadcast can be applied to the surface before the epoxy.

Fitted with a ProLine snow melting systems in asphalt provide a cost-effective option for your home, and will last for years with virtually no maintenance. Just think of the money you’ll save on snow removal services, snow melting chemicals and gas for your snow blower. And of course, there’s the gift of time. While your neighbors are out shoveling, snow blowing or tapping their watches waiting on their snow removal service, you’ll be in your car and on your way.

To learn more about the about the benefits of a radiant heated asphalt driveway or many radiant heat options available; or to receive a free quote, call ProLine Radiant today, at 866.676.9276.

ASHRAE Standards – A Key to Customer Satisfaction

Designing Radiant Heat Systems that Meet the Specific Needs of Your Customers

Purchasing snow melting systems during early spring is usually a great way to save money. But unless you’re dealing with a radiant heat solutions provider that designs systems to meet ASHRAE standards, you’re not going to be able to enjoy your savings for long. And you’re not going to be able to make your customers happy in the long haul either.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) is an organization committed to advancing the arts and sciences of heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigerating to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world. A radiant heat system that is designed and built according to ASHRAE standards means that it is optimized to meet the specific needs of your customers. ASHRAE standards were established to address these variances to optimize system performance for radiant heat. If you want the best snow melting system, it’s imperative that you choose a radiant heat solutions provider that adheres to ASHRAE Standards.

What does this really mean to your consumers?

Adhering to ASHRAE standards means designing snow melting systems specific to the region―looking at the regional climate, average snowfall, temperatures, and other important factors to make sure a system is going to work well for a particular location. ProLine designs custom systems in accordance with ASHRAE standards. Choosing ProLine, then, is a great way to get the best possible radiant heated snow melting solution for your customers. ProLine further makes installing radiant heat easy by including personal installation support, custom system design, and even free installation training.

Asphalt driveway with heated tire tracks

ProLine snowmelt systems and designers are among the best in the industry. ProLine professionals are prepared to help you find the ideal radiant heated driveway for your customer, at a price within their budget, yet meets their snow melting needs.

And with every ProLine Radiant purchase, you also get free consultation, complete design services and installation support. ProLine experts will take a look at your requirements and assess your situation to come up with the best snow melting solution for your driveway, walkways, gutters or roof. You’ll receive a system with the best performance for your customer and their budget. And ProLine will be available during the installation if you need any assistance during the installation process.

When it comes to a snow melting solution for your home, don’t lower your standards. Contact ProLine at 866.676.9276 for the best possible radiant heat solution.

Radiant Snow Melting Systems – Versatile and Easy to Customize

Have you surveyed your existing driveway with the fear that radiant heat is simply not an option? No matter what your circumstances, whether it be your driveway type, budgetary constraints or your project goals, don’t pull the plug on your dream driveway until you speak with the professionals at ProLine Radiant. You’ll discover the versatility of radiant heat makes it possible to have the driveway of your dreams.

Nowadays, consumers building homes often consider installing a snow melting solution. Both electric or hydronic radiant heat systems can be custom designed. The difference between electric and hydronic systems is fairly simple. For electric heat, as you might already suspect, specially designed electric heat cable is installed in the driveway, evenly radiating warmth up to the surface of your driveway to quickly melt ice and snow. Hydronic heat, however, utilizes a boiler and pumps, heating the water and then pumping it through a network of Pex tubing with similar results.

A great benefit of radiant heated driveways is that they are fully automated and maintenance free. The systems are regulated by either an aerial or ground-mount snow sensor that detects optimal conditions for snow, including changes in air pressure, moisture and temperature. When conditions warrant, the sensor signals the master control unit that sends power to the heating element to warm the driveway. After the storm, the system shuts off automatically.

With both systems, most often the heating element (whether heat cable or Pex tubing) is laid out in a serpentine pattern to cover the area of your driveway, followed by pavers or an asphalt / concrete pour to seal the deal. But if you’re not in the market for a new driveway, and crave the convenience of a radiant heated snow melting system, you’re anything but out of luck.

No matter what your situation, ProLine Radiant will custom design a system for you. Electric radiant heat systems are versatile and durable enough to be installed in virtually any type of driveway medium. ProLine heating cable is available off the spool or pre-spaced in mats that can be rolled out to heat just the center of a driveway, tire tracks or the entire area. Whatever you decide, both the cable and the mats are easy to customize and very durable. ProLine heat cable can even be installed in hot asphalt installations.

Radiant heat can also be installed in existing driveways. Using saw-cut technology, grooves in the concrete or asphalt driveway are cut and then cable is placed in the grooves and a special sealant is placed over the cable. A more common application for heating existing asphalt driveways is to place the heat cable on the old asphalt and then apply a new layer of asphalt over the existing surface.

With electric snow melting systems, there are very few limits to the type of surface and area you heat. They perform well and can be installed in a variety of materials, including concrete, asphalt, and stone, brick or tile pavers to deliver consistent, energy efficient performance. Customers can find solutions to fit their budget as well. When it comes to the heated driveway system, you can offer your customers a wide variety of custom options.

To learn more about the many options available, or to receive a free quote, call ProLine Radiant today, at 866.676.9276.

Radiant Heat Thaws the Polar Vortex

Radiant Heat Thaws the Polar Vortex

Now is the Ideal Time to Purchase and Install a Radiant Heat System

Deadly cold temperatures and snow crippled much of the country during the winter of 2014, thanks largely to a weather phenomenon known as the polar vortex. These freezing cyclones are typically confined to the earth’s geographical poles, but in 2014, the arctic storms plunged so far south that it affected most of the U.S., including states as far south as Florida. Homeowners who got caught in the infamous storms of 2014 spent much time and money shoveling snow and spreading bags of salt in an effort to cope with the icy conditions. But with record low temperatures, it was almost impossible to keep walks and driveways clear of ice and snow.

The snowy barrage of 2014 represented another difficult winter in a growing line of recent extreme winters. Recent winters have dumped record snowfalls with unusually cold temperatures, often leaving homeowners in the Northeast seeing nothing but white from November through March. Consequently, more and more homeowners are now thinking seriously about radiant heat – which means that now is the time for professional builders to hone their radiant heat installation skills. ProLine makes installing radiant heat easy by including personal installation support, custom system design, and even free installation training.

Driveway during a snow storm
A driveway on an incline in need of a heated driveway installation.

In light of the recent life-threatening wind chill and temperatures during last winter, homeowners were reminded to be especially careful when clearing their walks and driveways during sub-zero degree temperatures. In the Chicago area (temporarily renamed by locals as “Chiberia”), four people died over one weekend while shoveling snow, and 37 people in Ohio were rushed to the emergency room because of cold weather related problems.

Naturally, homeowners aren’t too thrilled about the prospects of risking life and limb shoveling and salting snow every year. Fortunately, there is some good news. Radiant heat is an affordable option for those who are looking to ditch their shovels. And for construction professionals who are considering installing radiant heat, you’ll be glad to know that early spring is the ideal time to save on a heated driveway system from ProLine.

And you simply won’t find a more professional, helpful staff than the professionals at ProLine. Unlike many radiant heat providers, ProLine custom designs each system and includes personal installation support for your installer. And when you team up with ProLine and complete a free installation training course, we’ll recommend you to homeowners and businesses in your area who are looking to install radiant heat.

With record snow falls occurring across the country, installing an efficient, fully automated heated driveway just makes sense. Forget about the cost for hiring a snow removal service, buying salt, or devoting your own time and labor. The next time Mother Nature throws an icy temper tantrum in your neck of the woods, you can add to your business by offering snowmelt system installations, so your customers can enjoy the beauty of the white countryside without having to shovel and salt their driveway. Homeowners may balk at the thought of the cost, but they may be surprised by the affordability of installing a radiant heat system.

(Continued below: Buying at the Right Time)

Buying at the Right Time

Buying from ProLine – especially during the winter months – can translate into significant savings for contractors. ProLine has a variety of radiant heat solutions and includes a custom design with each system to ensure that it meets your customer’s heating needs AND budget. For manual snow removal, consider the cost of running and maintaining a snow blower, purchasing salt, or paying a snow removal service. For climates particularly accustomed to lots of snow, installing an efficient ProLine heated driveway is a great investment that can raise property value and save money by eliminating the need for manual snow removal.

Heated driveway in Denver

At this point, it’s predictable that most of us are ready to put down the shovel and gear up for warm weather, lawn care and home improvement projects. Early spring is the best time to install radiant heat in your driveway, walkway or even on your roof. The demand is typically lower, so you may be able to get discounts that you normally wouldn’t enjoy during peak season. Be savvy and take advantage of the off season to beat the rush and get the best prices for a radiant heated driveway this spring.

If you’re still not convinced about the benefits of radiant heat read what some ProLine customers are saying. Join the legions of happy ProLine customers like this one (below), who wrote to us while enjoying the benefits of a heated driveway from the comfort of his living room:

The first snow fall this winter was the test and the driveway has been ice/snow free all winter! The option to manually turn on the heat system has not been needed since the sensor works so well. My wife and I are very pleased with the results and feel much safer walking outside during the winter now!

– Dan, heated driveway owner

One of the greatest benefits of radiant heated driveways is that they are automated and maintenance free. Think of it as the “set it and forget it” phenomenon. Because heated driveways are fully-automated systems, there’s no guess work in when to turn them on, off or how long it will take to remove the snow. With the help of outdoor sensors, your radiant heated driveway system is automatically programmed to sense the changes in precipitation and temperature that indicate snow fall, then turn off when a snow event is over. You get dry, clear pavement efficiently and affordably, without lifting a shovel.

Here’s another construction professional and first-time installer who said this about his experience working with ProLine:

Thanks for supplying my customer with exactly what they needed. Living in multiple locations, the automated concrete heating system you provided was the perfect match for my customers in Idaho. Being new to this type of installation, I expected things to be a little more complicated. A few phone calls after receiving the product within days made the job simple to install. I would have to say that customer service with your company was by far second to none. I look forward to doing business with you in the future and referring you on to other homeowners with snow melting needs.

– Cody, Independent Contractor

Cody brings up another good point, and that is the wide selection of radiant heat installation options and the unmatched services and customer support you have with ProLine. When you do business with ProLine you’ll have live installation support from professionals with years of experience in radiant heat installations. They are willing to partner with you every step of the way to find you the best possible system for your performance expectations and budgetary concerns. They can even help you find an experienced installer in your area.

Trade in your shovel and salt for an easier snow removal solution. Now is the best time to pick up the phone and call ProLine (866.676.9276) to discuss your plans for stress free winters with a radiant heated driveway.